Oh what a night! Ashton went to bed with very little supper last night. I made a roast with potatoes and carrots. I have given up on him eating meat but potatoes and carrots are his favorite. He only likes potatoes sliced like you do on the BBQ and with the distraction of him misbehaving, I forgot to take some out for him and mashed them all. He complained but ended up eating his carrots and I forced some potatoes on him. He definitely didn't eat enough and ended up going to bed without a snack because he wasn't listening.
I was pretty happy when I first woke up with Brayden at 2:45am, he's slept for almost 7 hours so I decided I'd feed him, but he didn't want to go back to sleep after that. I tried to lie him down and he chatted for a bit but then as I climbed back into bed at 3:15am, Ashton called for me. He wanted a drink of water. I got him one and by that time Brayden was done talking and now screaming so we went back into the livingroom. I tried to keep him busy and quiet for 20 minutes, then I gave up and fed him again. I know I need to stop doing that buy I couldn't keep my eyes open. I lied him back in his bed, he still didn't want to go to sleep but Ashton was calling me again. He wanted more water, and he ended up puking up a big of clear fluid, not a lot, just enough to mess up his sheets so I took them off and he went back to bed. I went back into grab Brayden and sat in the chair and rocked him and sang "twinkle twinkle" about 100 times. It seems to be the only song that keeps him quiet. Eventually he fell back to sleep.
I climbed back into bed, I think it was around 4:30am by this time, then I hear Ashton call again, he said he had to pee, we went to the bathroom and just as we got there, he threw up all over the floor. Wonderful, I guess this was as good a time as any to clean my bathroom, I've been meaning to do it for a while now. I got Ashton back to bed and cleaned up the bathroom floor, and climbed back into bed.
Ah, time to sleep, oh wait, nope, is that Brayden again, oh good, he had a nap and is ready to get up again. I paced around with him for 20 minutes and he screamed and screamed. My heart was pounding because I felt so bad that Jason had to get up for work in a little while and he was being kept up with all this commotion as well. I decided to just feed him and keep him quiet. By this point, I didn't think I was going to get anymore sleep. I got Brayden back to sleep and Ashton needed me again, I had grabbed a bucket for his room last time he threw up but he doesn't quiet understand that he needs to grab it when he has to puke. After this incident, we decided to go to the livingroom so the other 2 could get some sleep.
He puked one more time, threw up the tylenol we gave him and then we both fell asleep on the couch. . . for 20 minutes then up to puke again. This went on until about 7am when Jason got up for work. It's now almost 9 am and Brayden is still in bed, Jason is gone to work, and Ashton hasn't puked since before 8. I tried to get him to eat some toast but he took one bite and said he was done. There is nothing in his tummy to throw up, just stomach acid, so hopefully he is done. I think today will be a very lazy day. Hopefully with a nap somewhere in there!
Funny how things work out. I guess I wasn't supposed to get so much sleep the night before last, so we had to mix things up and just have 4 hours last night. I did sneak in a 20 min nap on the couch this morning. Hopefully that'll get me through the day.
What a night indeed! There is nothing worse than kids with the stomach flu. It's going around these parts too, and I'm crossing my fingers we don't get it. Hopefully you guys get over it really soon.